The Podcast:

The Empowered Brain


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Hello Friends, if you're looking for an episode recorded before January 9, 2023, you'll see a different title and hear a slightly different podcast intro. Don't be alarmed, you're in the right place, the podcast just got a fresh new look and brand new name in 2023, The Empowered Brain. Same great content; brand new name. Enjoy the episodes!

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Episode #165:
Overwhelm: Why You Feel It and How to Not Let it Get in Your Way
July 22, 2024


In this episode, we delve into the pervasive feeling of overwhelm, especially how it affects high-achieving individuals.

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Episode #164:
Competition, Jealousy, Envy: Why you do it and How to stop
July 15, 2024


In this episode, we delve into the pervasive feelings of competition, jealousy, and envy, particularly among high achievers. We explore why these feelings arise, how they differ between genders, and the deep-seated impacts they have on our well-being.

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Episode #163:
The Selfishness Lie: How to stop believing it and start choosing you
July 08, 2024


In today's episode, we explore the pervasive and often misunderstood concept of selfishness, especially as it affects women. We'll dive into the historical context of how selfishness has been used to control and limit women's roles, examine the impact of these beliefs on both women and men, and discuss practical steps for dismantling these harmful thought patterns.

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Episode #162:
Allowing the Magic: Intersection between Spirituality and Science with Dr. Rashmi Schramm
July 01, 2024


Through our conversation, you'll learn about my path to finding inner peace and how combining worldly and spiritual gifts can enhance your ability to help others.

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Episode #161:
Ancestral and Generation Trauma: How to know if you have it and How to Heal
June 24, 2024


In this enlightening episode, we delve deep into the concepts of ancestral and generational trauma, exploring their scientific foundations, how they manifest in our lives, and practical steps for healing.

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Episode #160:
How to Allow Your Success to be Easy (instead of thinking it always has to be hard)
June 17, 2024


In this episode, we delve into the importance of thoughtwork and self-mastery to create results you desire for more abundance, fulfillment and success.

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Episode #159:
How to Allow Your Success to be Easy (instead of thinking it always has to be hard)
June 10, 2024


In this episode, I explore why many high achievers struggle to let their success come easily. I delve into how societal beliefs, cultural values, and personal experiences contribute to this struggle. You’ll also learn actionable strategies to help you embrace your success without self-sabotage.

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Episode #158:
Permission To feel Sad: Why You Avoid Feeling Sad, and What to Do Instead
June 3, 2024


In today's episode, we delve into the emotion of sadness, discussing why it's essential to feel and process it rather than avoiding it.

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Episode #157:
Self Compassion and it's Link to Productivity, Achievement, and Business Success
May 27, 2024


In this enlightening episode, we delve into the profound connection between self-compassion and various aspects of life, including mental health, success, and personal fulfillment.

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Episode #156:
How to Stop Being Hard on Yourself AND still be productive
May 20, 2024


In today's episode, we tackle the pervasive myth that being hard on oneself is necessary for success. We explore the origins and impacts of this belief, discussing how it is shaped by social conditioning, evolutionary biology, and generational trauma.

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Episode #155:
How to Separate Your Core Self from Your Thinking Brain
May 13, 2024


In this episode, I dive into the “Laziness Lie." Using psychological insights and historical context to demonstrate how societal and cultural pressures have distorted our views on laziness and guilt.

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Episode #154:
How to Separate Your Core Self from Your Thinking Brain
May 6, 2024


In this episode you'll learn why it's important to get to know your core self and differentiate that from your thinking brain. You'll also learn simple and tangible ways to start doing this now.

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Episode #153:
The Self-Awareness vs the Self-Confidence gap and their Relation to Imposter Syndrome
April 29, 2024


In this week's podcast, I break down the difference between the self-awareness vs the self-confidence gap and how they're related. Plus you'll learn steps you can start taking to feel a little less insecure and more self-aware.

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Episode #152:
How to Practice Mind Yoga for a More Determined and Resilient Mind
April 22, 2024


This week on the podcast I teach you a special mind trick that will help you keep going, even when you're brain is telling you to quit.

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Episode #151:
How to Cultivate the Relationship With the Person You Spend the Most Amount of Time With
April 15, 2024


On this weeks podcast, we talk about the importance of cultivating the most important relationship you will ever have, the relationship you have with yourself. I teach you simple and innovative ways to start doing this right now, without it being complicated or feeling like another thing I have to do.

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Episode #150:
Navigating Grief and Loss in the midst of personal and professional responsibilities
April 8, 2024


Whether you've lost a loved one in the past or are currently experiencing the loss of a loved one, grief is somewhat a rite of passage as we go through our life journey.

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Episode #149:
Journey to Authenticity: How a mom of 3 and an entrepreneur overcame procrastination and imposter syndrome to create the business and life of her dreams
April 1, 2024


Noura is now living a life of intention and purpose. On this week's podcast episode, Noura shares how she, as a mom of three struggling with procrastination and imposter syndrome, created the life and business of her dreams.

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Episode #148:
Why You Quit on Your Goals, and How to Recommit (so that you achieve your goals and your truest desires)
March 25, 2024


On this week's podcast, I teach you what's really behind the reasons you tend to quit on your goals (it's not as obvious as you think), and exactly what to do to recommit and achieve your goals.

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Episode #147:
The Science of Manifestation and how to use it to create your goals
March 18, 2024


On this week's podcast, I break down the science of manifestation, in a clear and simple to understand way.

And, I’ll teach you my exact practice to manifest all my goals.

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Episode #146:
How to take a Loss in Business and in Life
March 11, 2024


On this week's podcast, I share that story with you. I also help you understand why you may be playing small by consciously (or subconsciously) avoiding losses and failures. And, I’ll teach you what to do about it.

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Episode #145:
The courage to have difficult conversations
March 4, 2024


On this weeks podcast I teach you how to rethink difficult conversations and how to prepare yourself to have them with confidence and courage.

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Episode #144:
How to have more courage
February 26, 2024


On this weeks podcast, I walk you through a few steps you can start taking now to help you have more courage and get you to where you want to be in life.

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Episode #143:
How to do a Personal Energy Inventory, and Steps You Can Take Now To Protect Your Sacred Energy
February 19, 2024


The energy you carry is sacred. Your energy affects everything around you. It affects your work products, the quality of your relationships, and your fulfillment in life

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Episode #142:
Acts of Unconditional Love
February 15, 2024


Take a listen to this podcast episode and learn different ways you can offer yourself and others around unconditional love.

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Episode #141:
Mastering Self-Discipline: Part 4 The Science of Human Motivation how to use it to get more done
February 08, 2024


In this episode, we talk all about human motivation. You'll learn how to use your brains intrinsic motivational centers to keep you on track to achieve the goals you set.

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Episode #140:
Mastering Self-Discipline: Part 3 The Science of Self-Discipline and how to use it to get more done
February 02, 2024


After this episode you'll understand how to wire your brain to be more disciplined, without being hard on yourself, and how to start creating habits that get you the results you want.

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Episode #139:
Mastering Self-Discipline: Part 2 How to Get into and Stay in Your Flow State
January 25, 2024


In this episode, we dive into the science behind the flow state. You'll also learn how you can get yourself into a flow state to get more done with ease.

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Episode #138:
How to do your own internal healing and liberation: A Conversation with Natalie Gutierrez, LMFT, Author of The Pain We Carry
January 18, 2024


In this episode, I bring you the author of the most impactful book I read in 2024. The book is called "The Pain We Carry," and the author is the brilliant Natalie Gutierrez, LMFT.

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Episode #137:
Mastering Self-Discipline: Part 1 The real reason why you're not disciplined
January 11, 2024


So, in the spirit of January, new beginnings, and a time of the year of high inspiration and motivation, I'm creating a four part series on mastering self-discipline, and using the science of self-discipline to get more done.

Starting with Part 1, where we get super clear on the real reasons why you're not more disciplined.

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Episode #136:
The science of behind why vision boards work and how to create your own effective vision board
January 04, 2024


on this episode I am reviewing with you the science behind vision boarding, why vision boards are effective and how they work.

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Episode #135:
Three Most Important Things I learned this year and how they can help you uplevel your potential and create a more expansive life
December 28, 2023


On this weeks podcast I'm doing a year-end wrap up and sharing the 3 most important things I've learned this year and how you can use them to uplevel your life, expand your potential, and have more fun and freedom in life.

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Episode #134:
How to do a year-end life and career evaluation and prepare for the next year using The Gain Theory
December 21, 2023


In this episode you'll learn how to thoughtfully consider all your gains in the year and learn from your perceived losses using the Gain Theory.

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Episode #133:
The 3 things Entrepreneurs need to master to create a profitable, sustainable and soul-aligned business
December 14, 2023


Listen in as we go from mistakes to solutions, and help you create a profitable, sustainable and liberated business.

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Episode #132:
The Most Common Mistakes Smart Entrepreneurs Make That Slows Down Their Growth and Leads to Burnout
December 07, 2023


Listen in as I teach you the MOST common mistakes smart entrepreneurs make that slows down their profitability and leaves them burned out.

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Episode #131:
Cultivating compassion towards your ego to get more in life
November 30, 2023


Since the ego is and will always be a part of who you are, it's important to understand why it develops, why it get's loud at certain times, and how you can befriend it to be more effective in all that you do.

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Episode #130:
The not enough syndrome: how to break free and achieve more
November 23, 2023


In this episode I'll break down the "not-enough" conundrum, how it's actually slowing you down, and what you can do to break free from this and start creating results you want in life.

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Episode #129:
Maslow Unlocked: Achieving Self-Actualization in the Modern World
November 16, 2023


In this episode, you'll learn how to continue to move up the rungs of Maslow's Hierarchy, and how to keep yourself at the peak.

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Episode #128:
Impermanence and the Art of Letting Go: Navigating Life's Transitions Mindfully
November 11, 2023


On this week's podcast, you'll learn what impermanence is, where it originated, and a few simple steps to start practicing it now.

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Episode #127:
Turning Workplace Challenges into Opportunities: Strategies for Managing Difficult Employees who you can't fire (including former bosses)
November 02, 2023


We dive into detailed strategies for turning these workplace pain points into opportunities.

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Episode #126:
Unlocking Self-Validation: Breaking Free from Invalidation Patterns
October 26, 2023


On this week's podcast, we talk about all the sneaky ways self-invalidation shows up, why we've developed these habits, and how to start practicing self-validation instead.

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Episode #125:
What's Possible: Overcoming Procrastination with Self-Compassion
October 19, 2023


This week I bring you the last episode in our "What's Possible Series," where you get to learn from my students, as I celebrate them, and let them serve as an example of what's possible for you.

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Episode #124:
What's Possible: Breaking Free from People-Pleasing and Showing up with Confident Authenticity with Sneha
October 12, 2023


This week on the podcast, we're continuing the "What's Possible" series, interviews with my students. I'm bringing you real stories from real people who made sustained changes they didn't even realize was possible for them.

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Episode #123:
What's Possible: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome, Getting Promoted at Work, and Improving my Marriage (while raising 3 young kids) with Dr. Angie
October 5, 2023


This week on the podcast, you'll hear the first episode in the "What's Possible" series, interviews with my students. I'm bringing you real stories from real people who made sustained changes they didn't even realize was possible for them.

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Episode #122:
Sustaining a Conference High: Keeping the spark alive with strategies for long-term motivation
September 28, 2023


In this episode, I walk you through step-by-step strategies to help you keep the conference spark alive, with strategies for long-term motivation.

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Episode #121:
Decision Making: The Power of Balancing Emotion and Logic
September 21, 2023


In this episode, we dive into the art of making decisions that truly matter, embracing both the wisdom of our emotions and the clarity of logic.

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Episode #120:
Breaking Through Imposter Syndrome: Empowering Your Success
September 14, 2023


In this podcast episode we'll explore the phenomenon of imposter syndrome and its impact on women.

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Episode #119:
PART 3: Unraveling the Patriarchy: Past, Present, and Persistence
September 07, 2023


In the next few episodes, we're going on a journey through history, society, and our personal experiences to understand the patriarchy's roots, its intersections with various identities, and most importantly, what we can do to not be victims of this, and instead break it down.

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Episode #118:
PART 2: Unraveling the Patriarchy: Past, Present, and Persistence
August 31, 2023


In the next few episodes, we're going on a journey through history, society, and our personal experiences to understand the patriarchy's roots, its intersections with various identities, and most importantly, what we can do to not be victims of this, and instead break it down.

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Episode #117:
PART 1: Unraveling the Patriarchy: Past, Present, and Persistence
August 24, 2023


In the next few episodes, we're going on a journey through history, society, and our personal experiences to understand the patriarchy's roots, its intersections with various identities, and most importantly, what we can do to not be victims of this, and instead break it down.

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Episode #116:
Befriending your mind: A Powerful journaling practice to shift away from negative self-talk
August 17, 2023


In this episode, I share with you a step-by-step journaling practice to help you stop avoiding or feeling ashamed by your negative thoughts, but instead see them with compassion, and move on.

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Episode #115:
How to separate your core self from your negative thoughts
August 10, 2023


In this episode, I teach you a simple mnemonic to help you separate your core self from your thinking brain.

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Episode #114:
Apathy: Why you feel "Blah" and another way fear shows up
August 03, 2023


We delve into the apathy cycle and how it subtly influences our actions, from avoiding tasks on our to-do lists to indulging in endless Netflix binges, apathy can seep into various aspects of our lives.

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Episode #113:
Why you're afraid to take action
July 27, 2023


Acknowledging the ways fear shows up in our bodies is crucial, as our fear response is hardwired, acting even before our brains process it.

But, you can break this generational cycle of fear.

In this week's podcast episode, I show you exactly how.

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Episode #112:
The Stress-Trauma Continuum
July 20, 2023


The stress trauma continuum ranges from healthy stress that stimulates creativity and satisfaction to toxic stress leading to burnout or even trauma.

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Episode #111:
How to change any area of your life you're not happy with
July 13, 2023


If there's an area in your life where you're feeling dissatisfied or unhappy, this episode is for you.

You’ll learn powerful strategies and techniques to help you make the changes necessary to create the life you want without feeling overwhelmed.

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Episode #110:
Self-Forgiveness Part 2: How to Practice Self-Forgiveness with Dr. Melissa Parsons
July 06, 2023


In this episode, I interview Dr. Melissa Parsons, a colleague and friend. We talk about the things that keep us from forgiving ourselves and she teaches a process to process, forgive and move on.

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Episode #109:
Self-Forgiveness Part 1: A Step-by-step Process to Forgive and Stop Shaming Yourself
June 29, 2023


Self-forgiveness is liberating and helps you create more clarity and space in your life for things that matter.

This week on my podcast, The Empowered Brain, I teach you a gentle and effective step-by-step process to help you access old wounds and practice self-forgiveness.

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Episode #108:
3 Tools to Stop Procrastinating
June 22, 2023


In this episode you'll learn:

  • The exact reason why you procrastinate (hint: it's not just about avoiding the task)
  • You'll understand the exact things you specifically do when you procrastinate (even the one's that sort of feel productive)
  • 3 effective strategies to stop procrastinating and start getting more done
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Episode #107:
How to Turn off Your Work Brain and Stop Thinking About Work at Home
June 15, 2023


In this episode you'll learn:

  • Where that hypervigilance comes from
  • The negative health effects it’s having on you
  • How to turn it off, and,
  • How to be intentionally present with the people you love
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Episode #106:
Bare Minimum: How to Give Yourself Grace in Times of Transitions
June 08, 2023


In this episode, we talk about what's behind this fear, and how to give our brain, body, and spirit what we need during life's transitions.

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Episode #105:
Radical Acceptance and how to get more done without the stress
June 1, 2023


In this episode, we dive into the root cause of your daily frustrations and stressors. You’ll learn how to let go of the one thing leading to 90% of your daily stress, so you can be more productive and get more done.

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Episode #104:
One Simple Question to Shift from Stress and Burnout to Equanimity
May 25, 2023


In this episode, we dig into why we do that, plus I'll share 2 questions that will help you disrupt your old ways of doing things, and start creating habits and new ways of doing things that will make you happier, more productive, and less stressed.

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Episode #103:
The Difference Between Commitment and Motivation
May 18, 2023


In this episode I break down what you actually need to achieve the goals you set, and why you can't always rely on motivation.

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Episode #102:
Boundaries: How to Make Setting Them Less Hard
May 11, 2023


In this episode, we breakdown exactly why setting boundaries are uncomfortable (it's not what you think!), and the exact steps you can start taking now to start creating work boundaries, even when it feels awkward.

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Episode #101:
How to Lean Into Your Intuition
May 04, 2023


In this episode, I'll walk you through 3 simple steps you can take to start accessing your intuition today.

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Episode #100:
How to Access Your Limitless Potential
April 27, 2023


In this episode, I share the 3 things you need to access your limitless potential. These are the exact principles I follow that have sky rocketed my results in all areas of my life, I only wish someone would have shared them with me years ago.

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Episode #99:
How to Use Mindful Listening to improve your relationships
April 20, 2023


Practicing mindful listening will deepen your relationship with the people you love and help you be more open-minded.

Though you might think you're a good listener there are a few subtle things that tend to always get in the way.

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Episode #98:
Shame, guilt and self-compassion when it comes to past mistakes (including divorce)
April 13, 2023


This week on the podcast we dive deep into the unescapable human emotions of shame and guilt through the lens of divorce.

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Episode #97:
How to change any thought and start thinking on purpose
April 6, 2023


In this episode, you'll learn how you form your thoughts, and how to change any thoughts you have, so you can start creating the results you want.

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Episode #96:
How to stop feeling guilty when your body needs to rest
March 30, 2023


As a high-achiever, you may have internalized the idea that you need to earn the time to rest.

It may show up as you saying, I'll take a break and rest after I've done xzy.

Have you ever wondered where this habit came from?

Tune in to the podcast this week, The Empowered Brain, and learn why this developed and how to let it go.

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Episode #95:
How to have enough time for everything you value (and stop saying "i don't have time for that")
March 23, 2023


In this episode we talk about time and how it relates to our values. You'll learn how to get clear on your values, align your time to your values, and stop using the "I don't have time" excuse.

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Episode #94:
Simple and highly effective tools to manage stress and create emotional self-regulation
March 16, 2023


In this episode, I teach you 7 super simple and highly effective tools that you can use throughout your day to manage your stress response. Each tool takes less than 10 seconds to practice and is backed by neuroscience.

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Episode #93:
How to create authentic self-confidence and move away from feeling like you're not enough
March 9, 2023


In this episode, we discuss why insecurity and self-doubt are second nature for women, and how to cultivate true authentic self-confidence, that no degree or title can ever give you, and no person can ever take away.

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Episode #92:
Achieve Every Goal You Set Part 3: How to stop procrastinating and start taking action
March 2, 2023


If you want to create a fool-proof plan to achieve any goal you set, then you've got to listen to my 3 part podcast series: Achieving Every Goal You Set

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Episode #91:
Achieve Every Goal You Set Part 2: The Success Triad and 3 things you need to achieve every goal
February 23, 2023


If you want to create a fool-proof plan to achieve any goal you set, then you've got to listen to my 3 part podcast series: Achieving Every Goal You Set

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Episode #90:
Achieve Every Goal You Set Part 1: Choosing the right goal for you
February 16, 2023


If you want to create a fool-proof plan to achieve any goal you set, then you've got to listen to my 3 part podcast series: Achieving Every Goal You Set

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Episode #89:
Self-expression and living a more fulfilled life
February 09, 2023


Self-expression is a vital piece of creating a fulfilled life. It's also the at the core of how we connect, navigate and grow with each other.

Though neuroscience backs this up, it's still challenging for most people to feel comfortable and confident full expressing themselves.

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Episode #88:
Perfectionism: Why you have it and how to move past it
February 02, 2023


In this week's podcast episode, we talk all about perfectionism.

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Episode #87:
Celebrations: How and Why to celebrate your daily wins
January 26, 2023


In this week's episode, we talk all about celebrations.

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Episode #86:
Belonging: Why it Matters and How to Cultivate it
January 19, 2023


In this episode, we explore why belonging matters and how to start cultivating it for ourselves.

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Episode #85:
Stop "SHOULDING" all over yourself
January 12, 2023


On this week's podcast episode, I show you how to recognize when you're inner critic is "shoulding" all over you, and teach you how to stop.

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Episode #84:
How to be Effective at Work When the Job is Imperfect (i.e. frustrating colleagues or circumstances)
January 5, 2023


In this week's podcast episode, I'll walk you through the 4 simple steps you can take to help you be effective at work, especially when the job is less than perfect.

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Episode #83:
Having the Audacity to Believe in Yourself
December 29, 2022


On this week's podcast episode you'll learn why goal setting matters and how to start doing this for yourself.

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Episode #82:
How to distance yourself from negative thoughts
December 22, 2022


In this week's podcast episode, I teach you how to use one simple sentence to distance yourself from negative thoughts and start to let go of anxiety, overwhelm and stress and choose peace and happiness instead.

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Episode #81:
How to make space in our days and lives for what matters
December 15, 2022


Life is short and can be uncertain. In this episode, we talk about how you can start making space for what truly matters in your life.

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Episode #80:
Attitudes of Mindfulness
December 8, 2022


In this episode, you'll learn what the 7 attitudes of mindfulness are and how to start practicing them today.

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Episode #79:
Why it's hard to just play as an adult, and what to do about it
December 1, 2022


In this episode, you'll learn why it's so hard for us to do this and how to start.

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Episode #78:
How to give yourself what you need when you're throwing an internal tantrum - With Dr. Stella Evans
November 24, 2022


I interview Dr. Stella Evans who introduces us to the framework Internal Family Systems. Dr. Evans breaks down this concept and teaches us how to use it and give our mind and bodies what they need in moments of internal turmoil.

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Episode #77:
Healing Internal Trauma with Dr. Kimmery Newsom
November 17, 2022


This week on the podcast I’m joined by a psychologist, Dr. Kimmery Newsom.

She shares her new book, Sounds of the Soul, and we talk about the important and painful experience of mourning and processing grief.

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Episode #76:
Decolonize Your Brain Part 3 with Dr. Kimmery Newsom
November 10, 2022


In this episode, I’m joined by Dr. Kimery Newsom, DEI therapist, and expert. Dr. Newsom teaches us a new approach to do our own internal work, to start the process of decolonizing our brains.

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Episode #75:
Decolonize Your Brain: Part 2: How to Heal Internalized Racial Trauma
November 3, 2022


This week, in Part 2, you’ll learn how to recognize how the effects of colonization show up in your day-to-day lives.

And, I walk you through a 6-step process to start doing your own work to decolonize your brain.

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Episode #74:
Decolonize Your Brain: Part 1: Colonization and the Colonizer Mentality
October 27, 2022


This month, on my podcast, I’m doing a 3-part series and taking you on a journey to help you better understand colonization and the effect it has had on your brain.

In Part 1 (released this week), I’ll do a brief overview of the history of colonization and introduce you to the concept of the colonizer mentality.

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Episode #73:
How to Improve Your Efficiency by 40%
October 20, 2022


On this week's podcast, I teach you how to stop wasting those 23 minutes every few hours and improve your efficiency by 40% by doing one simple thing.

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Episode #72:
Your Brain’s Golden Hour of Efficiency
October 13, 2022


On this week's podcast, I teach you the 3 steps to harness that time, add fuel to that fire, and skyrocket your efficiency.

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Episode #71:
How to Use Rest to Fuel Your Efficiency
October 6, 2022


On this week's podcast, I share one of the kindest ways to improve your efficiency. You'll be surprised at how effective this one thing will be.

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Episode #70:
Achieve All Your Goals Using Strategic Pessimism
September 29, 2022


On this week's podcast, I'm teaching you a process to help you follow through and NOT quit on your goals part way in. And, instead, start achieving every goal you set.

Listen in and learn how to W.O.O.P. your goals all the way to completion.

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Episode #69:
Shame, Perfectionism, and Body-Image with Dr. Trina Dorrah
September 22, 2022


On this week's podcast, I bring you an interview where I share my own vulnerabilities and the science to help us become more compassionate and resilient.

I'm accompanied by my colleague, and anti-diet physician coach, Dr. Trina Dorrah.

Listen in to learn about common issues we all struggle with and how to deal with them.

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Episode #68:
Creating an Inclusive Workplace Culture with Dr. Maureen Bell
September 15, 2022


This week on the podcast, I bring to you an expert in the field of Inclusive Leadership, Dr. Maureen Bell, National DEI Director and Chief of Emergency Medicine at Howard Hospital.

You'll learn:
-Why creating an inclusive workforce matters
-How to do it
-Common pitfalls and how to avoid them

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Episode #67:
How to NOT Be Uncomfortable Practicing Anti-Racism with Dr. Crystal Agyei
September 8, 2022


On this week's podcast, I bring to you an expert in the field of DEI, Dr. Crystal Agyei, who shares all her wisdom.

We talk about all things equity, inclusion, and anti-racism.

This episode is jam-packed with knowledge.

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Episode #66:
How To Use The Science Of The Moon Phase to Create a More Holistic and Aligned Life
September 1, 2022


Listen as I interview Astrology expert, Mimi Truong, who teaches us how to use the science of the moon phase to create a more holistic and aligned life.

If you have a friend who would benefit from this episode, I'd love for you to share it with them too! 

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Episode #65:
The Fastest Way to Get Results, with Dr. Sowmya
August 25, 2022


On this week's podcast, I'm introducing you to my client, Dr. Sowmya. Sowmya's an incredibly optimistic and successful female physician. Sowmya was definitely able to create the mental clarity she wanted within weeks of coaching together. But, that’s not even the best part of her experience. The best part, and what may shock you the most, were the other profound transformations and unexpected benefits of coaching.  

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Episode #64:
How coaching helped me become a Time Management Ninja, With Dr. Tasha
August 18, 2022


Like many other female physicians of color, Tasha was dealing with overwhelm, stress, and guilt. Her story is a beautiful example of what's possible when you choose to prioritize your well-being and invest in your mental, physical and emotional health.

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Episode #63:
How Coaching Shattered my World-View and Changed my Life
August 11, 2022


This month on the podcast, we're doing a 3 part series to introduce you to the transformative power of coaching.

You'll hear my story, where I get super real and vulnerable about my struggles and how coaching helped me overcome them.

And then you get to meet two of my clients and learn from their experiences.

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Episode #62:
How boundaries are just another way to show unconditional love
August 4, 2022


In this week's podcast, I introduce you to a new and different way to think about boundaries. Plus, I help you let go of guilt when it comes to enforcing them.

After listening, you might just start doing things differently, and you'll be so glad that you did.

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Episode #61:
The Be-Do-Have Framework to Help You Create the Future You Want
July 28, 2022


In this week’s podcast, I introduce you to a new framework and teach you exactly how to use it, to help you achieve new goals and shift your identity.

Listen in and share it with a friend.

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Episode #60:
The 3 Questions You Need to Evaluate Anything
July 21, 2022


In this week's podcast, I share with you the three questions you can use to evaluate almost anything (programs, presentations, vacations, etc) and learn how to make it better next time.

Listen in and share it with a friend.

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Episode #59:
Why we procrastinate and how to stop
July 14, 2022


In this week's podcast episode, I teach you why your brain procrastinates and how to interrupt your own procrastination cycle, so you can increase your productivity and have more time for the things you love.

Listen in and share it with a friend.

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Episode #58:
Why you have trouble asking for what you want and what to do about it
July 07, 2022


In this week's podcast episode, I break down exactly why this happens, and what to do about it.

Listen in to learn how to stop being afraid and finally ask for what you want in life.

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Episode #57:
The 3 Things You Need to Knock Any Presentation Out of the Park
June 30, 2022


I've taken everything I've learned from my personal experience and professional training and distilled it into the top 3 things you need to deliver an impactful presentation.

This episode is high-yield! Enjoy and share it with a friend.

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Episode #56:
Creating Thoughts on Purpose and Morning Journaling
June 23, 2022


On this week's podcast, I share why it's important to get started and how to stay consistent. I pack all you need to know in this short 10-minute episode.

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Episode #55:
Creating Space for the Discomfort
June 16, 2022


In this week's podcast episode, I teach you how to cross the gap from where you are now to where you want to be, by creating space to feel the discomfort.

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Episode #54:
The Power of Intention Setting
June 9, 2022


Did you know you have a super power at your disposal, that you can use at any time?!?!?!

Something that's been used for centuries outside of the western world, accessed by some of our own ancestors, and also scientifically proven to work.

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Episode #53:
Living and Leading with ADHD with Dr. Diana Mercado-Marmarosh
June 2, 2022


In this week's podcast episode, I speak with ADHD expert, Dr. Diana Mercado. Dr. Mercado was diagnosed with ADHD while she was in medical school. Being diagnosed and starting treatment was a huge blessing for her and changed the trajectory of her career.

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Episode #52:
Negotiations: Everything You Need to Prepare for a Successful Negotiation
May 26, 2022


On this week's podcast I walk you through, step-by-step, the three things you need to do to prepare for a successful negotiation.

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Episode #51:
How to Lead with Self-Compassion, All Questions Answered
May 19, 2022

On this week's podcast I give you 3 actionable tips (and a lot of other nuggets) on how you can show up and be a human-centered leader.

Listen in to this episode where Latina leader, Paula Castillo, and successful entrepreneur, Jessica Carter ask me all about becoming the kind of leader you always wish you had.

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Episode #50:
How to be ALL IN on You
May 12, 2022

This week on the podcast I go into detail on the importance of cultivating an unwavering sense of self-love. I also walk you through, step-by-step, exactly how to do it.

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Episode #49:
Money Part 5: With Dr. Boonie Koo, Money Mindset, Investment and Personal Finance Expert
May 5, 2022

On this weeks podcast I interview a friend, colleague and Money Expert, Dr. Bonnie Koo. Bonnie is a board-certified dermatologist who's passionate about teaching personal finance strategies for women physicians.

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Episode #48:
Money Part 4: With Dr. Kate Mangona, Latina Physician and Investment Expert
April 28, 2022

On this weeks podcast I bring on my friend, colleague and investment expert, Dr. Kate Mangona. Dr. Mangona is a Latina, mother of 3, and practicing radiologist, she's the host of the podcast Medicine, Marriage and Money, and co-leads a financial freedom movement with her physician husband.

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Episode #47:
Money Part 3: With Personal Finance and Miney Expert
April 21, 2022

Listen in and learn:

  • How to break generational poverty
  • What holds you back from creating the financial future you want
  • Tangible next steps to get you started on your way to financial security
  • How to create financial freedom regardless of where you're starting from
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Episode #46:
Money Part 2: With Dr. Latifat Akintade, Personal Finance Expert
April 14, 2022


This week's podcast guest, Dr. Latifat, is on a mission to change that. In this week's podcast, we discuss how the confidence gap was created and how to start intentionally closing that gap.

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Episode #45:
Money Part 1: Why You Have It and Why You Don't
April 7, 2022


On this weeks episode, I'll help you get clear on why you have money AND why you don't. And, what to start doing now to create more money in your life.

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Episode #44:
Difficult Decisions: How to Make the Right One Using the Clean Space Framework
March 31, 2022


How do you want to make charged or difficult decisions?

Do you want to make them when your upset, sad or angry?

Most of you will say NO, but in reality, this is often what happens.

When we're unhappy with a job, relationship or other circumstance, we have a combination of conscious and subconscious thoughts about the circumstance.

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Episode #43:
How Feeling Disappointed is a Super Power
March 24, 2022


Disappointment is a difficult emotion.

It feels so terrible in our bodies, that our brain is wired to do everything it can to avoid it.

This means we'll often avoid asking for a raise, applying for a new job, or going on a date because we're afraid to feel disappointed if things don't work out.

You may think what you're avoiding is failure (and you wouldn't be wrong), but at a deeper level, you're avoiding how failure makes you feel (hint, hint: disappointed).

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Episode #42:
Kindness vs. People Pleasing
March 17, 2022


I used to argue with my coach. I was stubborn, had a big ego, and when the things she said didn't match up with the way I had been living my life, then I did everything I could to prove her wrong.

In this weeks episode we talk about how the trauma response of people pleasing developed and how to tune into yourself and know it's showing up.

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Episode #41:
Part 2: The Evolution of the Inner Critic and How to Silence It
March 10, 2022


In last week's podcast episode we discussed the evolution of the inner critic, the internal judgmental voice in our heads. As you get older, your inner critic becomes your worst enemy, and the one thing standing in the way of your success and happiness.

In today's episode, you'll learn how to weaken your inner critic, and instead strengthen your inner-sage. Strengthening your inner sage has exponential benefits including improving your overall happiness and joy and inner peace.



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Episode #40:
Part 1: The Evolution of the Inner Critic and How to Silence It
March 3, 2022


Everyone has an inner critic, even the person that appears to be the most confident. Why? Because the human brain evolved to have an inner critic, it's part of our primitive brains wiring for survival.

However, as you grow it becomes your worst enemy, and one of the biggest things that stands in the way of your success, your happiness, your inner peace.

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Episode #39:
How to Create Confidence Using the 4C's
February 24, 2022


Being confident is easy when you can draw on evidence that you're good at something. 

But how do you build confidence around something you've never done?

On this episode I walk you through the 4C's, a formula to build confidence that's easy to understand and to put into practice. 


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Episode #38:
The 6 Resiliency Building Blocks for a Better Life
February 17, 2022


Resilience is the ability to thrive in challenging circumstances – it means you can bounce back quickly from difficult situations.

Resiliency is commonly mistaken with endurance which is a more rigid mindset where you're continually pushing your body and mind to the limit without giving up.

In this episode, I'll walk you through the 6 resiliency building blocks and give you a framework for how to improve your day-to-day to ensure your continually building your resiliency muscles.

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Episode #37:
EQ for Leaders and Non-Violent Communication
February 10, 2022


There's a ton of data to show the more emotionally intelligent you are as a leader, the better your overall metrics are (team dynamics, team engagement, end-of-year revenue) including your happiness, career longevity and sense of purpose.

On this weeks podcast, I bring on a Latina Leader and Mindfulness expert, Paula Castillo MPP, to teach you one incredible skill, Non-Violent Communication, to increase your emotional intelligence and improve your communication.


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Episode #36:
How to Get Back on Track to Achieve the Goals You Set
February 3, 2022


It's check in time for your New Years Resolutions!

If you've slowed down on your goals and aren't as excited about them as you were when you were setting them, you're not alone.

Most people lose steam about 20 days. If this is you, it's okay and it's not too late to get back on track with your goals.

Listen in to learn a process to get you back and on track and 4 powerful questions to ensure you stay on track throughout the year.

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Episode #35:
The Cognitive Thought Model: How to Think Positive Thoughts on Purpose
January 25, 2022


Have you ever wondered how some people are able to get so much done regardless of whatever events life throw their way?

For example, how does a young mom of 2 kids under 5, run an entire Emergency Department, exercise daily, have a great marriage, and start a successful business?

On this weeks podcast, I introduce you to a powerful and simple tool that is rooted in ancient philosophy and has been successfully used since 300 BCE.

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Episode #34:
Wellness: 6 Practical Ways to Improve Your Optimism Muscle
January 19, 2022


Did you know people that choose to be optimistic versus pessimistic live longer, are less stressed, depressed and age slower (literally, their skin has less wrinkles and they look younger).

Yes, some people are just born happier than others, in fact 30% of optimism is genetic, but this also means that 70% is a skill you can learn.

On this weeks podcast, I share 6 practical and evidence-based ways to improve your optimism muscle.

Listen in and choose one that resonates with you, practice it for 21 days, and see what else changes in your life.

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Episode #23:
How to Stop People-Pleasing with Expert Sara Bybee Fisk
October 10, 2021


If you want to learn how to stop people pleasing, listen to this weeks podcast episode. I interview Latina and People Pleasing expert, Sara Bybee Fisk.

We cover:

  • What exactly people-pleasing is
  • How it gets in the way of you living and leading with integrity
  • How to recognize when your people-pleasing tendency is showing up
  • 3 tangible ways to stop people-pleasing
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Episode #14:
Patterns and Dynamics in Relationships and Friendships: How to change the ones that suck
August 6, 2021


Have you noticed when you get around certain people the same dynamics always play out? Perhaps you get in the same recurring argument with your mom or sister. Maybe when you're with your friends you're never the funny one, or you're always giving in to what they want?

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Episode #13:
How to feel uncomfortable feelings
July 15, 2021 


Very few people in the world want to feel uncomfortable or have negative feelings. In fact, most of us try our hardest to avoid them. We choose to eat instead of feel, watch Netflix, clean and organize, or drink instead of feeling. It's like we think we signed a contract when we were born that says that we're never supposed to feel bad. But the purpose of life is not to feel happy or positive all of the time. On the contrary, the purpose of life is to feel all of life's emotions, the good and the bad, and find peace in all of it. The more we can deeply feel every emotion life throws our way, the fuller our lives will be. In this episode, I'll teach you how to feel all of life's emotions, especially the most uncomfortable ones (i.e. guilt, shame, sadness, insecurity, overwhelm).

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Episode #12:
Don't wait to be dying to do what you love: live your bucket list now!
June 29, 2021 


Have you noticed when death is near it bring with it the urgency to live? Why do we need a death sentence, like a terminal diagnosis, or experiencing the death of a loved one to suddenly be activated to do the things we want in our lives? What would it be like if we lived our bucket list now? Being close to death creates an armor that softens what otherwise would be normal mortal fears, like the fear of failure or the fear of humiliation. Listen and learn: (1) why it's so hard for us to live life to it's fullest (like we were dying), and (2) how to create a more joyful life that brings inner peace everyday. 

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Episode #11:
Arrival Fallacy and Enjoying the Ride of Life
June 23, 2021 

Are you waiting to reach your next goal before you can finally celebrate, be happy, feel successful, or spend more time with loved ones? If so you might be experiencing what positive psychologist call Arrival Fallacy. Arrival fallacy is the illusion that once we attain our next goal or reach our destination, we will also reach happiness. It's the idea that there (there being your next goal) is better than here, right now. Arrival fallacy causes us to by hyper-focused on the goal and as a byproduct we miss out on enjoying life every step of the way.  Listen and learn about the thought errors that lead to arrival fallacy, how it shows up in our everyday lives, and what you can do to shift out of it so it doesn't rob you of enjoying life right now.

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Episode #10:
All about meditation (and how it will change your life): how it started, how to use it, what to avoid when starting
June 16, 2021


Do you know why meditation is such a hot topic these days? Plain and simple, it's because it works! Meditation has been practiced since 5,000 BC and didn't become a thing in the US until the 1950's. Now we can't get enough. Listen in to learn all the proven health benefits of meditation, how to practice it and some common pitfalls to be aware of. If you commit to practicing meditation, even by starting with just one minute a day, it will change your life. I'll explain how to start and what to watch out for in the beginning.

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Episode #9:
The Human Stress Response: how it shows up even in everyday life stressors AND how to turn it OFF

June 09, 2021

All about the human stress response, i.e. our fight/flight response, and how it shows up during our everyday life stressors (like getting in a fight with your spouse or being cut off in traffic). You'll learn how your everyday emotional triggers are actually causing the same exact stress reaction as a life-threatening event. And, I teach you one powerful tool to outsmart your brain and turn off your stress response so you can always respond thoughtfully to any event life throws your way.

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Episode #8:
STOP hating on yourself and get SH*T done
May 27, 2021

Why are you always hating on yourself, especially about the things that you're the most insecure about? And, don't worry you're not alone. EVERYONE does this because we're all human, with human brains and a sh*t load of insecurities. But, you can be smarter than your brain and not let the negative self-talk B.S. keep you from creating great things in the world.

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Bonus Episode:
What the h*ll is this podcast about anyway? And who are the "Latinx People"?
May 26, 2021

Prescription for Latinx Success is dedicated to the advancement of the Latinx community. The podcast uses the perfect combination of science, psychology and thought work to support the personal and professional development of Latinxs. Because when Latinxs succeed, they create programs, jobs and opportunities for their community. And, thriving Latinxs are examples for their communities of what's possible when they work smart, build successful careers, financial freedom, loving families and always stay connected to their heritage. Listen in and learn how you can create financial success, thriving businesses and loving families, and honor your roots.

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Episode #7:
F*CK FAILURE... and other things successful Latinxs do
May 19, 2021

Failure is an inevitable part of every successful Latinx. Even though that's true it's still a miserable thing to experience. No matter how many fluffy inspirational quotes you read about it, nothing makes failure feel good in the moment. But, I refuse to let the fear of failure hold me back and I'm committed to not letting it hold you back either.

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Episode #6:
How to create the results you want in life
May 4, 2021

Want to lose weight, make more money? Have more fulfilled relationships? Listen in for one proven tool to create all the results you want in life.

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Episode #5:
I hate to say it, BUT WOMEN ARE WIRED TO OVERTHINK. So, what can we do about it? 
April 28, 2021

As annoying as the stereotype is, science has proven that women's brains are more active leading to neurobiological differences that make it more likely for women to overthink compared to men. So, ladies, what can we do about this? how can we use our neurodiversity to work for us and make us better leaders? And, what can do to avoid the detrimental thought spiral?

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Episode #4:
Social Comparison: Why am I always comparing myself to others? 
April 21, 2021

Why do you always compare yourself to other people, especially when it makes you feel so bad about yourself? Learn all about social comparison, why we do it and how to use it to propel you forward.

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Episode #3:
The Power of Authenticity 
April 12, 2021

If it's so easy to just be yourself, why are less than half of humans doing it? Why is it so hard to be authentic? Learn all about authenticity and how to use it powerfully in leadership and human connection.

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Episode #2:
Power Planning: Time Mastery Solved
April 1, 2021

No more running around like an overwhelmed Tasmanian Devil. I'm giving you one badass tool to help you finally master your time and create more peace and joy in your life. This can work for everyone from procrastinators to perfectionists.

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Episode #1:
The Busyness Dilemma
March 9, 2021 

If you're busy all the time it's likely NOT because of your to-do list. Get to the bottom of your main underlying beliefs that keep you busy instead of effective and stop wasting time on things that don't matter. 

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