To the smart woman who knows there's more to life than a never-ending hamster wheel…
Give me 12 weeks and you'll be able to be more effective and get more done in less time, without stress and burnout, so that you have the freedom of time to do what you love.
JOIN NOWProfessional Coaching for more Inner Peace, Success, and Fulfillment.

"I had been procrastinating on a grant proposal for 8 months. No matter what I did, I just couldn't get myself to finish it. After just 30 minutes of watching the procrastination coaching replay, I realized why I was procrastinating, and was able to complete and submit my entire grant proposal. I had no idea it could be this simple.” - Sandy

"By far the best program I’ve ever done. There was data; there were tactics; there was an ability to connect with my fellow colleagues in a truly authentic and meaningful way. The camaraderie, openness, and support for one another was palpable." -Amanda
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You want to be more effective, and have more time so that...Â
You have the freedom to do what brings you joy and be more present for the people you love.
You have more inner peace and fulfillment, without sacrificing your professional success.Â
The freedom to find your purpose and be the best version of you.
And, you want to feel like you have it all put together, like no matter how many things you’ve got going on, you can juggle all of them with calm and confidence.

But none of this seems to be working. And, instead you’re left….
You see...
Your brain is like a computer. And, your brain is over 100,000 years old.
Which means, your brain is like a very old, outdated computer.

The original programming that came with your brain has one singular purpose: to keep you alive and away from danger.
This means, your brain is wired to do the following things:
Why this matters
Thousands of years ago, your brain's wiring kept you alive and thriving.
But now, this old wiring is making you unfocused, unproductive and ineffective.
And, if you identify as a woman or woman of color, your brain has likely inherited outdated sexist, biased and colonizer programming, like…
… You have to be perfect all of the time, but also be yourself
… Speak up, but don’t be too loud
… Be ambitious, but keep your ambitions to yourself
… Take care of yourself, but always put everyone else first
... Focus on your career, but don't forget about your family
... Set boundaries, but don't be selfishÂ
… Be confident, but not too confident (you don’t want anyone thinking you’re arrogant)
All of this old outdated programming leads to ineffective habits like
- People pleasing
- Perfectionism
- Difficulty setting boundaries
- Lack of self-trust and
- Unnecessary feelings like guilt and shame
- And so many more
which leads you straight into overworking and burn-out.
So, the question is…
How are you ever expected to be more effective and get more done in a day, doing things with the same brain, it’s old school wiring and outdated sexist and biased programming, that has gotten you to where you are today?
You see, the successful people around you, also started with an outdated brain, the difference is, they learned how to retrain their brain… and, the great news is… you can too!
Retraining your brain to be more focused and effective is the fastest way to get more done in less time, without stress and burnout, so that you have the freedom to do what you love.
When you retrain your brain:
Right about now, you might be wondering….
This all sounds great, but how do I do it?
- How do I actually retrain my brain to be more focused and effective?
- How do I figure out what part of my brain to focus on, and when?
- How do I not get overwhelmed with all the science and data out there? And,
- How do I do it right now, with my busy schedule, without pushing the pause button on everything else I have to get done in a day?
Imagine for just a moment,
that you had a step-by-step process….
- That taught you exactly how to retrain your brain
- That used the latest science in neuroplasticity, habit building and positive psychology
- That cut through all the nonsense, so you didn’t have to waste your time trying things that wouldn’t world
- That came in short bite-sized and easily digestible parts, so you could fit it in to your busy schedule, without feeling like “here’s another thing I have to do”
- That also taught you exactly what to do so you couldn’t fail…
… you would have a retrained brain, that was more focused and effective, in just 12 weeks!
Well, sweet friend, you don’t have to imagine any longer, because it’s here.
The Journey
(to your empowered brain)

"I was interested in The Journey because I wanted to get a lot done and I wasn't doing it on my own. Before working with Vanessa, I would constantly procrastinate and would catch myself self-sabotaging because I didn't think I was good enough or that I could charge for my services. Working with Vanessa, I created an entire online yoga and anxiety program for teens. I had this idea before but never followed through. Vanessa helped me by holding me accountable, creating reasonable deadlines, and helping me see why I was procrastinating. She helped me acknowledge what had been holding me back and taught me how to celebrate the big and small wins along the way. I couldn't have done this without her.” - Emily

"Because of the coaching I got inside The Journey, I had the courage to ask for a raise at work. I would have never of done that before The Journey. Now, my boss also includes me in all big decisions and sees me as a thought partner at work." - Erica

“The Journey teaches reprogramming your subconcious mind and mindfulness in a way that's easy to understand and tangible. I've learned very specific strategies that I use everyday at work when I feel like my imposter syndrome is creeping up or when I catch myself procrastinating. The Journey has helped me come home to myself" -Sneha
And, when you do this, you don’t just start getting more done in a day, you...
Create more inner peace, success, and fulfillment. Because, deep down you know this is what really matters.
Curate your life starting with your day-to-day routines, so that your life is expansive and fulfilling, instead of rigid and over scheduled.
Stop wasting time procrastinating and self-sabotaging, and instead take direct action towards your goals
Create a new sense of mental clarity and self-trust that helps you make decisions based on your authenticity, instead of external expectations
Ensure this old-school programming doesn’t get passed down to your children and all generations coming after you.
You also heal conscious and subconscious wounds... wounds that you didn’t even know existed… that are getting in the way of your effectiveness.
When you rewire and change your brain, you break cycles of generational trauma.
And in so doing…

“I thought I could deal with all of this on my own. But time is our most precious resource, and I wanted a solution that was going to be efficient because I didn't want to waste the little time I had trying things that wouldn't work. In just a few short weeks, I clarified so much mental drama. I used to think stress, guilt, and overwhelm were just part of being a busy person, but now I see how those feelings are optional. I’m now effective and productive, and I'm now doing it without the stress. I also have more physical and mental energy for my kids after work. I'm so grateful I chose to invest in myself." - Dr. Sowmya
Yes, sweet friend, this is all possible.

It feels like eons ago….
I was your ultimate type-A hyper achiever.
Until I tore my life apart, my biggest fear was failure and disappointment. Well, sort of.
I could be failing, but as long as no one else knew, then we’d be all good.
I could disappoint myself, but the thought of disappointing others, no way.
You see, I was born to Latin immigrants who carried the same belief as most immigrants: to survive, working hard is the only way.
There was a lot of machismo in my home. Machismo is the Spanish word for the Patriarchy/Sexism. Which influenced our thoughts about gender roles, like men were stronger, smarter, better with money, and the providers of the home.
And, our thoughts on how women were supposed to act.
Women were supposed to be perfect. Women were supposed to do whatever they needed to always please their husbands.
Women were supposed to be the ultimate peacekeepers.
But… being the ultimate peacekeeper also meant, never speaking up for yourself, constantly people-pleasing, and…
…Sacrificing your own identity.
Growing up, we didn’t have much and moved around a lot looking for work and affordable housing. This meant I attended 4 different schools from 1st-6th grade.
To blend in, I got really good at making other people proud of me.
I excelled at school, I chased degrees and accolades, and I morphed into whatever version of me I thought I needed to be accepted and liked.
This was exhausting. But I kept doing it because I didn’t know another way was possible.
These ways of being got me through Harvard and Medical School.
And, ensured I was ticking every box to create the so-called perfect life:
But, what I never let anyone see was the pain happening on the inside. My relationships were shallow, I was constantly overworking and overcommitting due to fear of disappointing others, and I felt guilty that I was never satisfied.
I didn’t even realize this was a problem. In fact, I thought all of this was normal.
Of course, if I wanted to be successful I had to overwork.
Of course, I was supposed to be stressed all the time.
Obviously, experiencing a ton of guilt for never doing enough, was just part of the process.
My turning point came when I found myself sitting on a dentist's exam chair with a toothache so bad I couldn’t eat nachos (and I love nachos!). The dentist swore everything was fine, but how was that possible when I couldn’t chew?
The dentist then asked me if I'd been experiencing stress.
Oh man, I thought, understatement of the century. At that time, I had two young kids, I was still breastfeeding and running an entire Emergency Department as the Department Chief, and I was working a ton of overnight ER clinical shifts to help with our staffing.
The truth is, I knew something was wrong long before I showed up at the dentist, but I kept ignoring it.
Because I thought that if I actually admitted something was wrong or if I asked for help, it would prove my biggest fear, that I was weak, that I couldn’t hack it, and that I was failing.
I was so afraid to be vulnerable. So I kept trying to be strong.
Even though my mind kept trying to push me, my body and my spirit knew it was time for a change.
It’s uncomfortable and terrifying to know that your life has to change, isn’t it?
But, admitting this truth can also feel like oxygen when you’re nearly drowning.
What was my truth?
My truth was I was so busy trying to make everyone else proud of me by being perfect, successful, and overworking, that I had built a life where everyone else was proud of me, except me.
You would think that I had also disappointed myself, but honestly, I didn’t even know myself enough to know how I really felt, and that right there was the biggest disappointment of them all.

Over the last decade, I’ve worked to rewire my brain and remove all the old programming that was keeping me stuck. In doing so, I’ve also got to know myself better, forgive myself for how I thought I had to be and love every version of me.
Rewiring my brain also taught me to lean into vulnerability, and embrace the real truth. Which is, vulnerability is not weakness. In fact, vulnerability is one of the bravest acts of courage imaginable.
I’ve also learned to lean in and savor the sweetness of living with integrity and authenticity.
It’s not always easy, but I do my best to navigate life, and all its complexities, with vulnerability, and resilience.
I’m proud of my ambition, my drive, and my commitment to service.
But, I’m now achieving and creating from a place of purpose instead of running away from thoughts of inadequacy.
My unique methodology and signature frameworks have helped hundreds of smart women (many women of color), entrepreneurs, physicians, lawyers, coaches, engineers, chief executives, real-estate leaders, educators, and others around the world combat stress and burnout while getting more done in less time, making more money, and living their purpose.
Rewiring my own brain, creating self-mastery (and learning to know and love myself) has not only set me free, it’s helped me empower brilliant women everywhere.
Learning to rewire your brain doesn’t just make you more effective, it also ensures that you don’t pass down that old outdated programming to your children and all the generations that come after you.
When you rewire and change your brain, you also change the world.
Let’s make a lasting impact, shall we?
See what’s waiting for you when you join
The Journey
Inside The Journey, you’ll get:

My signature step-by-step framework to retrain your brain and create self-mastery (in the fastest and most sustainable way).

Help specifically for you. You are unique, with unique circumstances. You’ll get help and coaching specifically tailored to your needs

How to do it, even if you only have 10-15 minutes a day.
My signature, step-by-step framework to retrain your brain
STEP 1: Master Your Mind
Create Self-Mastery and Activate Your Most Effective Brain.
Remember your brain is like an old, outdated computer. You’ll learn the latest brain science and psychology to fully understand how your brain's wiring translates to your lived experience, and you’ll learn how to start rewiring your brain now!

In Step 1, You will:
After Step 1, you’ll notice that:

"When I first came to Vanessa, I had just been promoted as Department Chair and felt like a deer in the headlights. I doubted myself, felt insecure in meetings, and didn't speak up or advocate for my team. I was disappointed in myself and afraid I was going to fail. I had no idea how my feelings of Imposter Syndrome were affecting so many areas of my life. After working together, Vanessa taught me simple techniques to overcome imposter syndrome. I started trusting myself, speaking up more, and now I'm much more confident and I love my leadership role. I would recommend this program to anyone dealing with imposter syndrome." - Gabriela
STEP 2: Master Your Emotions
Your emotions drive everything you do. When you take control of your emotions, you take control of your life.
You’ll learn how to work with all of your emotions - this puts you in the driver's seat of your life, instead of negative - messy - feelings driving you.

In Step 2, You'll learn:
After Step 2, you will:
If you’re like most of my students - who were taught feelings don’t matter, feelings are unproductive, or feelings just slow you down - learning to master your emotions will be one of your favorite parts of the program.Â

"I didn’t just get an entire new way to manage time, Vanessa also helped me with something much deeper. I have a child who is medically complex, and I had been carrying a fear of loss for a very long time. Even though I've been working with a therapist on this, I didn't realize how the grief and fear were embedded in the things I did on a day-to-day basis. Vanessa helped me understand and heal. She helped me create a newfound sense of peace and acceptance. I'm now so much more present with my daughter without the stress. I couldn't have done this without her." - Dr. Tasha
STEP 3: Master Stress and Resilience
The human stress response will always exists, but you don’t have to be hijacked by it.
You will become an expert of your own nervous system and finally stop feeling anxious, stressed and overwhelmed. This is what combats and prevents burnout.

In Step 3, You'll learn:
After Step 3, you will:

"I have a busy demanding job as a lawyer and used to think I could do everything on my own. But you don't know what you don't know. This program has been eye-opening. I've learned mindfulness techniques and have been incorporating them into my daily life. I'm happier, less stressed, more productive, and I've rediscovered my joy! I didn't think this was even possible. I'm grateful to Vanessa for creating such a great program."Â - Julia
STEP 4: Master Time
Time is your scarcest resource. When you learn how to master it, you become time rich.
You show the world what you value by how you spend your money and how you spend your time. Learn how to align your time with your values and become a time management ninja without annoying time hacks that don't actually work.

In Step 4, You'll learn:
After Step 4, you will:

“I was skeptical about coaching. I wasn’t sure it would actually work for me. But, before working with Vanessa my calendar was a disaster, I felt guilty all the time, and I never had time with my husband. After working together, I got my schedule and calendar organized, and finally got my time back! I was able to heal and let go of unnecessary guilt. And, I was more present with my kids and husband. I'm so grateful I took the leap and finally chose to invest in myself.” - Julia
See why our students say, “This is well worth over $12,000!”
In my 1:1 coaching programs, my students pay me $12,000 to support them as they rewire their brain, become more effective, and start getting much more done in less time. As a bonus, I offered my signature training Power Planning™, and they all agreed that just Power Planning™ ALONE was worth the entire investment! And here’s the best part, you get that included as just one part of the entire program, and you don’t have to pay $12,000 to get what they got.
When You Join The Journey, you’re getting the culmination of over 20 years of experience, coupled with all the latest brain science and data out there, proven to help you get the results you want without wasting your precious time on trial and error, trying things that just don’t work. The average person spends at least 5-7 years trying to figure this all out on their own. And, you get to do it in just 12 short weeks.

Okay, so how much is my investment?
Which leads me to the Investment. For the past five years, if you wanted to work with me and learn how to change your mind, your life, and get sustainable results, you would need to invest in my high-level programs that started at $12,000.
And, you’re about to learn the same thing that I taught them without the big price tag.
You get everything inside The Journey today for just $337 per month. At that price, it’s a no-brainer. Why? Because when you implement just a fraction of what you’ll learn, you’ll start to notice massive changes in your life.
And, here’s the best part…
The investment you make will keep paying forward for the rest of your life.
Rewire your Brain and Master Your Life Now, when you join
The Journey!
Still unsure? Keep scrollin’...

"I was nervous about investing, I thought "could this really be as good as it sounds?" Then my husband reminded me that most executives have coaches that help them be more effective. He told me that if they're worth it, so am I. So, I decided to join, and it's been one of the best investments I've ever made. It really is as good as it sounds."Â -Â Tamara
The investment you make will keep paying forward for the rest of your life.

The 3 Risk Free Guarantees
That Let You Sleep Easily At Night!
You have to take enough risks in your life, this program shouldn't be one of them.Â
The fact that you're reading this section, means that you know your life and time would benefit from The Journey. But, perhaps you still have a bit of doubt, hesitation, risk. I get it. Which is why I've included a Risk Free Guarantee, that let's you sleep easily at night.
And, I didn't just include one guarantee, I included 3 RISK FREE GUARANTEES!
Guarantee #1:
- You do the work, I guarantee you will get results.
- If not, no worries, I will give you access to everything inside the program (all the teaching, training, support, community, coaching) until you get the results you want.Â
Guarantee #2:
- You do the work, and you still don't have the results you want?
- Reach out to our team directly (at [email protected]) and we'll pair you with a high-impact 1:1 coach to get you unstuck and on track to get your results.
- Yup, you'll get access to a high-impact 1:1 coaching session with our trained and experienced coaches who will dissect why you're stuck and create a plan to ensure you get your results.Â
Guarantee #3:
- You do the work, access the support in the program, including everything listed above, and you still don't have the results you want, then we'll give you your money back.
- Yup, that's right, you have ONE WHOLE YEAR to access everything inside the program, plus extra support, and if after doing the work, you still don't have the results you want, then all you have to do is email us at [email protected] and we'll give you your money back. You either get results, or you get your money back.
Pssst.... Feel free to use these guarantees to remind your brain it's safe to join The Journey. Here's a message you can share with your brain: Dear Brain, no risk means we either get our results or get our money back, so it's safe to join.
But, The Journey is definitely NOT for everyone.
Our students say that The Journey is the most in-depth, balanced, and practical training to build mind, emotional, and time mastery.
It’s supportive, science-backed, and easily digestible, making it possible for you to be successful and get the most out of it, even if you only have 15 minutes a day.
But… it isn’t for everyone.
If you’re looking for a quick-fix or a magic-pill, The Journey is not for you.
The Journey is designed to equip you with tangible and sustainable solutions for self-mastery, so that you have the freedom you desire to live your purpose, without annoying tactics that don’t value your humanity and instead lead to regret, stress and burnout.
If you’re looking for some magic bullet, and you don’t want to learn how to create sustainable change that you can count on forever, then you can keep on looking.
If you’re already getting everything done in your day, have boundless energy, have your dream job, making the money you want to be making, are living your purpose, and are at your peak mental, physical, and emotional health, then The Journey isn’t for you.
If you don’t want to create freedom in your life, if you’re not interested in mastering your mind and emotions, or becoming a time management ninja. Then this isn’t the right program for you.
To get the most of The Journey, you need to be open-minded, and fully DONE feeling stuck.
The Journey is for...Â
The Journey is built for smart women who crave a deep sense of self-mastery and liberation from old unproductive beliefs and habits.Â
The Journey is for women who want to create freedom of time.
The Journey is for women who are ready to thrive in all areas of their lives and be at their peak mental, physical, and emotional states.Â
The Journey is for smart women who desire to live a life on purpose, instead of a life on default.Â
If this sounds like you, and you’re finally ready to show up for yourself - I promise you that The Journey will be your most powerful ally in the process.
And, wait, there's more...
When you join, you also get access to 7 ADDITIONAL GIFTS!
These incredible bonuses include:
What our students say about coaching:
“The Coaching Sessions are so inspiring. I always learn something new even if I'm not the one being coached. I look forward to attending them every week. I really appreciate how everyone shows up not just for themselves, but for everyone else. It's also heartwarming to see everyone's supportive comments in the chat."
“Having a tribe of really intelligent and intentional people has helped with my neuroplasticity. I trust these women, and that has helped me apply everything I'm learning so much faster."
“For the first few months in the program, all I did was attend the coaching calls. I didn't watch any of the teaching modules. And, I learned so much."
Love For The Community You Never New You Needed...
“I never knew I needed a community until I had one. The group of women inside The Journey are awesome. I was shocked to see so many smart women and WOC in one place - there are doctors, lawyers, engineers, and entrepreneurs in the program - and everyone was so kind and supportive."
“The community is like this incredible wolfpack. We're always surrounding each other and giving each other moral support. I've seen so much love and support in that community, as people navigate difficult stuff, our community comes together and is so empathetic."
“My favorite part of the community is that no matter how different we all seem, we're coming from all over the world, different careers and walks of lives, we all share the same struggles."

“The recording vault has great content and is so valuable. I have test anxiety and had my Medical Board recertification coming up. I used the self-discipline and visualization techniques that I learned from watching a lesson in the recording vault to help me prepare for the exam and show up calm and confident on test day. This was the first time ever (including all of med school), that I was able to prepare for an exam without anxiety or stress, and I passed it without a problem." -Sara P., M.D.
So, let's review!
When you join The Journey, you'll receive instant access to everything you need to retrain your brain in 12 weeks or less, including…

My signature step-by-step framework to retrain your brain:
that's backed by science and has been proven over and over again to create impactful and lasting results.

Workbook, exercises, and examples of exactly how to implement each step for yourself.

Weekly live coaching and help specifically for you

Immediate access to our recording vault with the most impactful lessons we've ever taught
(including, how to overcome perfectionism and procrastination, the truth behind imposter syndrome and how to overcome it, the art and practice of self-compassion, and so much more).

Access to our exclusive course community.
Human connection is the 6th vital sign. We were not wired to go through the hard stuff on our own, and when you join, you'll never have to Do it alone again.

Retrain your brain in 10 minutes per day.
A workbook to guarantee you create sustained results even if you only have just 10 minutes a day.

The Personalized Prosperity Plan.
An entire course that teaches you the art and science of goal setting to ensure achieving your goals is inevitable.

Public Speaking For Leaders: Communicate to Influence and Inspire,
so that you can show up and deliver a presentation like you're on a TED stage.

Negotiations 2.0.
Be prepared for any negotiation and create win wins.
And, here’s the best part…
You get results in 12 weeks or less, but if you don't...
You get LIFETIME ACCESS to all the course materials, teaching, coaching and support until you get the results you want.
That’s right. We intentionally remove any of the stress associated with feeling pressured or rushed to get results.
Because a stressed brain and body does not learn, retain, or heal!
So, you never have to feel rushed, pressured, or afraid you won’t have enough time, or that you didn’t have the chance to get what you needed.
This makes the entire price of the program $9,000 ($9887, to be exact), and you can get it all for just $337 right now.
Now, it's Up To You.
What choice will you make?
So, sweet friend, you have two choices, what choice will you make?
Option 1:
You can stay exactly the same or try to do it alone and spend 5-7 years and a lot of trial and error, trying things that don't work.
It’s tempting to try and do this alone. After all, so many of us are used to muscling our way through, shouldering more than our fair share, and “doing it all ourselves.” In fact, many of us pride ourselves on “doing it alone.”
Perhaps it’s because we believe it will be faster to do it alone, or that no one will actually get you, or maybe you believe that it’s important to prove that you don’t need anyone’s help, that you can do it alone.
If this resonates with you, let me ask you…
- How has it gone for you so far to try and change these patterns and habits for good on your own?
- Why do you think you still need to prove yourself to anyone?
Truth is, there’s a reason why you’re here, a reason The Journey is calling to you. It may be overwhelming to consider devoting time to do this work with an experienced facilitator… but isn’t it a little more overwhelming to imagine trying to do this all on your own (again)?
Or, you can choose option 2.
Option 2:
I can walk you through it, step-by-step, and save you time, money and a whole lot of headaches, when we do it together.
Sweet friend, we aren’t meant to struggle through life on our own.   And, now you don't have to.
Plus, Remember what Albert Einstein said: “You can’t solve a problem from the same level of consciousness that created it.”

"I had read all the personal development books and listened to all the podcasts on procrastination and imposter syndrome, but I still wasn’t getting the results I wanted. After joining The Journey, I finally started to see the changes in my life that I wanted. I realized real transformation comes when you start applying everything you’re learning to your own life and have a coach and a team that keeps you accountable."Â

"I used to think that I should just be able to figure this all out on my own. And I tried it all, therapy, books, podcasts. What was missing was the personal integration piece. It's not just about learning, it's about knowing what and how to integrate what I'm learning to my own life. And, that's where the guidance from an expert makes all the difference"Â
Yes, there's an investment, but there's also a significant cost to keeping things exactly as they are.
Think about it...
What’s the true cost of you keeping things exactly as they are? What’s the cost of your status quo?
Here’s what our students had to say when we asked them "What is the cost of staying the same?"

"I had tried self-help books but they weren’t giving me the hands-on help and accountability that I needed. Having a professional coach and community to help guide me and keep me accountable made a huge difference. I wouldn’t have made the significant strides I made on my own." -Sneha
"Trying to do this work on your own vs joining The Journey, is like reading a book about therapy and trying to self-diagnose or going to 'Dr. Google' versus going to an actual doctor. You might learn something, but the content you get is one-dimensional. Whereas, this program is multi-dimensional, because you're not just learning content from an expert, you're also getting strategies that work, real-life coaching, and an entire community to support you."Â Angie
This all sounds great, but…
If you’re still going back and forth, wondering if you should commit, let me share a few last reflections with you.
You may be thinking…
“This sounds amazing, but I don’t know if I’ll have
enough time for this.”
I know this is likely one of your top concerns, let’s be honest, it’s probably why you’re here to begin with.
Truth is, we’re all juggling a lot these days, and the thought of adding one more thing can feel overwhelming. And, no one wants to pay for something they’re not going to use.
Which is why, the #1 question we get is “Will I still get something out of The Journey if I can’t spend hours on the program every week.”
Short answer: Yes, absolutely. In fact, I’ll tell you exactly how much time you need to spend on the program each day to create real change. But, first…
I want to acknowledge that The Journey is not magic, and it will take time. But, you can let go of whatever *star student* lofty, perfectionist, fantasy you have, that may be contributing to your concern that you won't have enough time.
Because, in The Journey we don’t practice A++++ work and we learn to let go of the illusion of perfectionism, instead we celebrate consistency and resilience.
Plus, all you need is just 10 minutes a few times a week to create the lasting changes and results you want in life.
And, remember, The Journey is the fastest way for you to get the results you want. Instead of wasting time on trial and error, you get the exact step-by-step blueprint for lasting change.

"I was concerned about joining because I thought I wouldn't have time and I didn't want to get behind on the coursework. But everything was manageable, and nothing felt overwhelming. I also didn't want to pay for something that I wouldn't actually incorporate into my life. But I absolutely got the full value. I use the emotional regulation tools everyday to help me shift out of negative thought patterns that used to slow me down. Everyone should do this program."Â - Debra F.
This all sounds great, but…
If you’re still on the fence, you may be wondering…
“This sounds amazing, but the investment…”
Yes, The Journey works, but it isn’t magic, and it will take an investment from you.
But, here’s the thing about investments… you invest in what you value.
So, let me ask you…
- What’s the exponential value of mastering your mind and emotions and knowing you’re achieving your potential?
- What’s the exponential value of never feeling insecure or like an imposter again?
- What’s the exponential value of mastering your time and creating the freedom to do what you love?
- What's the exponential value of knowing you'll get to the end of your life and be proud of the life you intentionally created?
Just like you invest in new clothes, smart phones, or vacations, if you value your mental health, your emotional health, and your freedom, then you’ll choose to invest in the most valuable asset of your life, YOU.

I didn't just learn how to stop procrastinating, I learned how to manage my emotions and be more present. I will now be able to do that for the rest of my life so that I never have to let fear get in the way of my potential. I don't know if being truly fearless really exists, but this is pretty close to it. You just can't put a price on being fearless or experiencing inner peace, because it's just priceless. "Â -Â Yuki
But CHOOSE Quickly
(and don’t ruminate too long)
Sweet friend, every change you’ve ever had to make in your life ALWAYS began with a DECISION.
And, that’s exactly what you’ll have to do here: CHOOSE.
You can choose to do nothing, and then of course nothing changes… the problems just gets worse.
Or, you can choose to take control and do something about it.
You can choose to avoid the problem altogether and hope that it will magically go away (like some people avoid doing their taxes… but, spoiler alert: just like taxes, the problem doesn’t go away).
Or, you can get 100% committed to the change you want to make and start doing something about it right now.
If you choose to do something about it, then now is the time to get started.
There has never been a better time to get started than RIGHT NOW.
Because, the best time to make a change was yesterday, the second best time IS NOW.Â
Imagine what your life will be like when you choose to commit!!!